Thursday, July 22, 2010

I became an "Irisarian" yesterday evening

Bearded Iris for the Home Landscape
Replanted 12-14 Iris shoots from OESC 7-23-2010  – after they had flowered:  
Bearded iris plants perform best in fertile, well-draining soil in areas with full sun. Their blooming is poor when given too much shade and poor draining can lead to bacterial soft rot.
Dig a hole large enough to accommodate at least 3 to 5 rhizomes. Mound the center with soil and place the rhizomes (with fans facing in one direction) on top, allowing the roots to sprawl over. Then fill in the hole and cover the rhizomes slightly—no more than an inch or just below the soil surface. Planting too deep can also encourage rotting.
Bearded iris, Iris germanica, is a hardy, long-lived perennial that require a minimum of maintenance. The flowers have six petals; three upright petals (called standards) and three hanging petals (called falls). A fuzzy line or beard runs down the middle of each fall. Flowers come in many colors including blue, pink, purple, reddish, white, yellow, and bi-colors. Most bearded iris flower in the spring (April to June depending on cultivar), but some of the new cultivars re-flower in the summer and fall

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